Laboratory of Plant Genetics

Alexader M.Kudriavtsev, Dr.Biol.Sci. (Head)
Selected publications
Melnikova NV, Kudryavtseva AV, Kudryavtsev AM.Catalogue of alleles of gliadin-coding loci in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.).Biochimie. 2012 Feb;94(2):551-7. Epub 2011 Sep 17.
Khadeeva NV, Goriunova SV, Kochumova AA, Iakovleva EIu, Mel'nikova NV, Zholobova OO, Korotkov OI, Kudriavtsev AM.[Genetic monitoring of populations of Matthiola fragrans (Bunge) using RAPD and AFLP analysis].Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol. 2011 Jul-Aug;(4):389-96. Russian.
Odintsova TI, Rogozhin EA, Sklyar IV, Musolyamov AK, Kudryavtsev AM, Pukhalsky VA, Smirnov AN, Grishin EV, Egorov TA.Antifungal activity of storage 2S albumins from seeds of the invasive weed dandelion Taraxacum officinale Wigg.Protein Pept Lett. 2010 Apr;17(4):522-9.
Mel'nikova NV, Mitrofanova OP, Liapunova OA, Kudriavtsev AM.Global diversity of durum wheat Triticum durum desf. for alleles of gliadin-coding loci]. Genetika. 2010 Jan;46(1):51-7. Russian