Institute / Institute / Depts&Labs / Depratment of Ecological Genetics / Laboratory of Ecological Genetics /
Laboratory of Ecological Genetics

Alexander V.Rubanovich, Dr.Biol.Sci.
Tel : (499)132-89-58 , (499)135-11-39 , (499) 132-66-27
e-mail: rubanovich (at)
Selected publications
- Fedorenko B., Druzhinin S., Ydaeva L., Petrov V., Akatov Yu., Snigiryova G., Novitskaya N., Shevchenko V., Rubanovich A. Cytogenetic studies of blood lympocytes from cosmonauts after long-term space flights on Mir Station. Adv. Space Res. 2001. Vol. 27, № 2, pp. 355-359.
- Fedorenko B.S., Druzhinin S.V., Snigiryova G.P., Shevchenko V.A., Novitskaya N.N., Bogomazova A.N., Rubanovich A.V. Radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in cosmonauts’ blood lymphocytes. Microgravity and Space Station Utilization, 2002, v.3, N 2, pp.5-9.
- Snigiryova G.P., Bogomazova A.N., Novitskaya N.N., Khazins E.D., Vilkyina G.A., Gorbunova I.N., Ivanov K.Yu., Nagiba V.N., Nikanorova E.A., Profe O.S., Khaimovich T.I., Akayeva E.A., Yelisova T.V., Iofa E.L., Nilova I.N., Kostina L.N., Rubanovich A.V., Shevchenko V.A. The Study of Cytogenetic Effects in the Nuclear Specialists of Sarov. Proceeding Intern. Conf. // “Genetic Consequences of Emergency Radiation Situations”, Moscow, 2002, p.p. 313-328.
- Snigiryova G., Shevchenko V. Analysis of chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes after accidental exposure to ionizing radiation. In Recent Research activities about the Chernobyl NPP accident in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Research Reactor institute, Kyoto University, July 2002, P. 256 –267.
- Durante M., Snigiryova G., Akaeva E., Bogomazova A., Druzhinin S., Fedorenko B., Greco O., Novitskaya N., Rubanovich A., Shevchenko V., Von Recklinhausen U.,Obe G. Chromosome aberration dosimetry in cosmonauts after single or multiple space flights. Cytogenet. Genome Res., 103, с.с. 40-46, 2003.
- Suskov I.I., Kuzmina N.S., Baleva L.S., Sipyagina A.E. The problem of induced genome instability as the basis for elevated morbidity among children exposed by low-rate radiation at small doses. In book: 20 Years After the Chernobyl Accident. Editor: E.B. Burlakova and V. Naidich. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2006 , pp.39-54
- V.A. Shevchenko and G.P. Snigiryova The Significance of cytogenetic examination for assessment of the Chernobyl Catastrophe Consequences. In book: 20 Years After the Chernobyl Accident. Editor: E.B. Burlakova and V. Naidich. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2006 , pp.1-10.
- A.E. Myazin, M.D. Pomerantseva, L.K. Ramaya, G.O. Shaikhaev and V.A. Shevchenko. Molecular-Genetic analysis of DNA polymorphism in Desendants of Mice exposed to chronic and acute ?-radiation at different stages of spermatogenesis. In book: 20 Years After the Chernobyl Accident. Editor: E.B. Burlakova and V. Naidich. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2006 , pp.87-98.
- V. Shevchenko. Assessment of radiation genetic risk in man. Rad Risk Estimates and Emergency Situations. 219-227, 2006, Springer.
- Shevchenko V.A., Snigiryova G.P., and Fedorenko B.S. ” Cytogenetic effects in human beings exposed to irradiation on the Earth and in space”: in “The Effects of Low Dose Radiation. New Aspects of Radiobiological Research Prompted by Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster”. Etited by E.Burlakova and V.Naidich. Leiden, the Netherlands, 2005, P. 30-49.
- Kuzmina N. S. The phenomenon of genomic instability in the child,s body exposed to prolonged radiation at small doses and health state. Papers by Young Scientists. The Second International Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of N.W.Timofeeff-Ressovsky... “Modern problems of genetics, radiobiology, radioecology and evolution”, Yerevan, September 8-11, 2005, P. 281-283.
- Osipov A.N., Elakov A.L., Puchkov P.V., Sypin V.D., Pomerantseva M.D., Ramaiya L.K., Shevchenko V.A. Genetic effects of chronic gamma-irradiation at a low dose rate: experimental study on CBA/lac mice // Equidosimetry. Ecological Standardization and Equidosimetry for Radioecology and Enviromentsl Ecolgy. Springer Book Series, Sub-Series C, Environmental Security, Vol.2, 2005,XIII. 436 p.
- L. E. Sal’nikova, A. G. Chumachenko, I. N. Vesnina, N. Sh. Lapteva, G. I. Kuznetsova, S. K. Abilev, and A. V. Rubanovich. Polymorphism of Repair Genes and Cytogenetic Radiation Effects // Biophysics. 2011. Vol. 56. No. 2. P. 358–363
- L. E. Sal’nikova, A. G. Chumachenko, I. N. Vesnina, N. Sh. Lapteva, G. I. Kuznetsova, S. K. Abilev, and A. V. Rubanovich. Polymorphism of Repair Genes and Cytogenetic Radiation Effects / In “The Lessons of Chernobyl: 25 Years Later”. - Nova Science Publishers, Inc. -N.Y. -2011. Chapter 12.
- L. Sal’nikova, A.Chumachenko, A. Rubanovich . Association study of the frequencies of spontaneous and induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes / In Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Modern problems of genetics, radiobiology, radioecology, and evolution. Ed. Mothersill C. - Springer. - 2011. P. 187-198