About the Institute
The Vavilov Institute of General Genetics (VIGG) is the oldest institute of Genetics in the Russian Academy of Sciences [more]
Currently, the Institute has 15 laboratories, and 7 research groups. There is also Saint-Petersburg Branch of VIGG including two research laboratories under the direction of Academician S.G. Inge-Vechtomov.
The Institute includes the Center for the Research and Training (RTC); the Center for the Research and Education (REC), and the Dissertation Committee D 002.214.01 for the Degree of Doctor (D.Sc.) and Candidate of Sciences (PhD), speciality 03.02.07 - genetics (biological sciences).
A Memorial Museum of the Russian geneticist Nikolay Vavilov has been open at the Institute in 1987 to commemorate his centennial birthday. The museum conducts research and educational activities including excursions and thematic tours for the school groups and university students, and participants in scientific conferences and international visitors of the Institute. [more]
A memorial office of the member of RAS Nikolay Dubinin has been founded.
Additional Committees and Councils associated with Institute include the following: the Genetics and Selections Advisory Scientific Board; Moscow Society of Geneticists and Breeders; the Secretariat of the Council at the Presidium of RAS "Medical equipment, technology and pharmaceuticals", the Commission for the Conservation and Scientific Heritage of N.I.Vavilov, and the editorial office of the journal "Genetics ".
- Genetics and evolution of populations in relation to the biosphere’s protection and the rational use of biological resources;
- study of structural and functional organization of the genome, and elucidation ofthe mechanisms of gene expression’s regulation;
- human genetics;
- principles of genetic selection of animals, plants and microorganisms.