The Memorial Museum of Nikolay Vavilov

The memorial museum of Nikolay I.Vavilov was created by the resolution of the Presidium of USSR AS (№ 1243, of October 28, 1982) and became a part of named after N.I.Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of USSR AS. The opening ceremony of the Museum took place on November 25 1987, during the days of the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the birth of Vavilov.
The memorial cabinet presents the interior of the Vavilov’s time, the authentic Vavilov’s things: the desk, the table lamp, the book shelves, the chess table, the armchair from the Moscow apartment of Vavilov’s family, the typewriter, and the books from the Vavilov’s personal library. The exposition exhibits the materials about the live and scientific activities of Vavilov.
The funds of the museum include: photo and movie archive, documents and other materials, the library on history of genetics, and the personal funds of the noted scientists-geneticists. During recent years the funds of the Museum have been enriched by the following unique findings and gifts: Vavilov’s handwritings, his diary of university years, the collection of the seeds of plants, which Vavilov gathered during his first trip to the Caucasus, his expedition photos.
The museum carries out scientific work and offers general and thematic excursions for students, schoolchildren, Institute’s foreign guests, participants of the different Institute’s conferences.
The curator of the Museum is the scientific researcher of the Institute of the General Genetics RAS – Tatiana AVRUTSKAYA tata221151(at) and museum(at)
Visiting of the Museum under the advance arrangement: Mon.-Fri. from 11a.m. till 4 p.m.
Phone: (499) 135-53-68, 8 916 884-89-14
Address: Institute of General Genetics RAS, Gubkina str.3, Moscow 119333, Russia